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Educational Resources

Headache Pain

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Web Link American Council for Headache Education

ACHE is a nonprofit patient-health professional partnership dedicated to advancing the treatment and management of patients with headache. ACHE serves as an educational resource for health care providers who seek patient information materials, tools, and resources to help educate and support their patients and their families who are affected by disabling headache.

Web Link American Headache Society

The American Headache Society® (AHS) is a professional society of health care providers dedicated to the study and treatment of headache and face pain.

Web Link National Headache Foundation

Over the past 42 years, our mission at the National Headache Foundation has been to further awareness of headache and migraine as legitimate neurobiological diseases. Much has changed during this time, and with aid from advanced technology and clinical innovation, there are more treatment options than ever before.

Shaun Jackson Stephanie Jones Raul Martinez Mark Moran Scott Worrich  

Jackson, M.D.

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Jones, M.D.

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Martinez, M.D.

» My Profile

Mark A.
Moran, M.D.

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Worrich, M.D.

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